* Please be kindly noted products are not for therapeutic use. We do not sell to patients.
Category | Small-molecule Methoxy Linear PEG (mPEG) |
Catalog NO. | BPG-2691 |
Product Name | mPEG48-CH2CH2COONHS ester |
Molecular Formula | C104H203NO53 |
Molecular Weight | 2315.7 |

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Description | mPEG48-CH2CH2COONHS ester is a PEG derivative that is used for PEGylation. The NHS ester reacts with amines to form stable bioconjugates. |
Synonyms | m-PEG49-NHS ester; mPEG48-CH2CH2COONHS Ester; SCHEMBL16712822; mPEG48-OCH2CH2COONHS Ester; AKOS040743487; BP-22249; HY-130903; CS-0116413 |
IUPAC Name | (2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl) 3-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-[2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]propanoate |
InChI | InChI=1S/C104H203NO53/c1-109-6-7-111-10-11-113-14-15-115-18-19-117-22-23-119-26-27-121-30-31-123-34-35-125-38-39-127-42-43-129-46-47-131-50-51-133-54-55-135-58-59-137-62-63-139-66-67-141-70-71-143-74-75-145-78-79-147-82-83-149-86-87-151-90-91-153-94-95-155-98-99-157-101-100-156-97-96-154-93-92-152-89-88-150-85-84-148-81-80-146-77-76-144-73-72-142-69-68-140-65-64-138-61-60-136-57-56-134-53-52-132-49-48-130-45-44-128-41-40-126-37-36-124-33-32-122-29-28-120-25-24-118-21-20-116-17-16-114-13-12-112-9-8-110-5-4-104(108)158-105-102(106)2-3-103(105)107/h2-101H2,1H3 |
Purity | >95% |
Appearance | White Solid |
Storage | Store at -18°C |
If you have any suggestions or comments about mPEG-Br, please submit a review immediately.
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- Lipids
- PEG Derivatives by Structure
PEG Derivatives by Functional Group
- Acrylate/Acrylamide/Methacrylate PEG
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- Amino PEG, PEG amine(-NH2)
- Azide PEG, Azido PEG(-N3)
- Biotin PEG
- Boc/Fmoc protected amine PEG
- Carboxylic Acid(-COOH) PEG
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- Epoxide glycidyl ether PEG
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- Halide (chloride, bromide) PEG
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- Hydroxyl(-OH) PEG
- Maleimide(-MAL) PEG
- NHS ester PEG
- Nitrophenyl carbonate (NPC) PEG
- Norbornene PEG
- Olefin/Alkene/Vinyl PEG
- Orthopyridyl disulfide (OPSS) PEG
- Phosphate PEG
- Rhodamine PEG
- Silane PEG
- Sulfonate (tosyl, mesyl, tresyl) PEG
- tert-Butyl protected carboxylate PEG
- Thiol(-SH) PEG
- Vinylsulfone PEG
- PEG Copolymers
PEG Raw Materials
- Small-molecule Polyethylene Glycol
- Polyethylene Glycol 1000
- Polyethylene Glycol 10000
- Polyethylene Glycol 1500
- Polyethylene Glycol 200
- Polyethylene Glycol 2000
- Polyethylene Glycol 20000
- Polyethylene Glycol 400
- Polyethylene Glycol 4000
- Polyethylene Glycol 600
- Polyethylene Glycol 6000
- Polyethylene Glycol 800
- Polyethylene Glycol 8000
Technical Information
- Aqueous Two-Phase System (ATPS) Technique
- Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) Technique
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) Technique
- High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Technique
- How to Perform Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Modification?
- Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Technique
- Introduction of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
- Ion Exchange Chromatography (IEX) Technique
- PEG for Chemical Synthesis
- PEG for Cosmetic Application
- PEG for Drug Delivery
- PEG for Imaging Diagnosis
- PEG for Pharmaceutical Preparation
- PEG for Tissue Engineering
- PEG Purification Techniques of Plasmid DNA
- PEGylated Protein Purification Techniques
- Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Modifier Selection Guide
- Radiolabeling Technique
- SDS-PAGE Technique
- Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) Technique
- Ultrafiltration Technique
Industry News
- Applications of PEG-DSPE: Drug Carriers and Drug Delivery
- Applications of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as Medical Devices
- Cholesterol: Definition, Structure, Synthesis, Types and Functions
- Classification of Lipid-Based Vaccine Adjuvants
- FDA approved PEGylated Products
- FDA-Approved Antibody-Drug Conjugates up to 2024
- How are Liposomes Different from Micelles?
- How Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) Deliver RNA Drugs?
- Hyaluronic Acid & PEGylated Hyaluronic Acid
- Ionizable Lipids for RNA Delivery
- Lipid Classification and Drug Delivery Systems
- Lipid Formulations: Key Absorption-Enhancing Technologies in New Drug Development
- Lipid-Drug Conjugates (LDCs) for Nanoparticle Drug Delivery
- Liposome in Drug Delivery
- Overview of Liposome Preparation Process
- PEG in Pharmaceutical Preparations (I): Solvents, Lubricants, Adhesives and More
- PEG in Pharmaceutical Preparations (II): Stabilizers, Plasticizers and Modification Materials
- PEG Linkers in Antibody Drug Conjugates and PROTACs
- PEG-DSPE Block Copolymers and Their Derivatives
- PEGylated Drugs: Definition, Structure, Classification and Benefits
- PEGylated RGD Peptides: A Promising Tool for Targeted Drug Delivery
- Pharmacokinetics and Bioanalysis of PEGylated Drugs
- Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Modified Targeting Nanomaterials
- Preparation Method of PEG Hydrogel
- The PROTAC Technology in Drug Development
- Vaccines: Definition, History, Ingredients, Types and Mechanism of Action
- What are Lipid Excipients and Their Applications?
- What are Lipid Nanoparticles and Their Applications?
- What are Lipid-Drug Conjugates (LDCs)?
- What are Lipids?
- What are Monodispersed and Polydispersed PEGs?
- What are PEG Lipids?
- What are Phospholipids?
- What are Sterols? - Definition, Structure, Function, Examples and Uses
- What is Biotinylation and Biotinylated PEG?
- What is Click Chemistry?
- What is Hydrogel?
- What is Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol (mPEG)?
- What is Nanogels and Its Applications?
- What is the Formulation of Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs)?
Our Feature
BOC Sciences supplies a unique variety of PEG derivatives and functional PEG polymers. Our products offer the most diverse collection of reactivity, ready-to-use functionality, and molecular weight options that you will not find anywhere else.

PEGylation of Peptides
and Proteins
Reduce the Immunogenicity of Peptide/Protein Drugs
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PEG linkers For Drug
Improved Circulation Half-Life
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